Sunday, September 5, 2010

So I Rolled a Priest ... WHY?

Sometimes I find myself asking this very question.  A class that's hard to level and harder to master, why was a Priest my first main and still my main now 2 years later? With a myriad of healing and supportive spells, casting the wrong thing at the wrong time can make it harder on the other healers, or even worse the first wrong step in a chain reaction that leads to a pile of corpses on the ground and a lot of grumbling over vent.

Then again, knowing your spells like the back of your hand and swooping in with a lifesaving spell at the last second, and suddenly you're the raid hero, saving the group from what everyone was sure was going to be a wipe.  Pats on the back all around and the feeling of accomplishment... at least until that next boss down the hall.

I have a love/hate relationship with my Priest, there's a lot of responsibility put on you and some of these fights are just BRUTAL (I'm looking at you Lich King), but I know it, I love it, and I feel that I'm good at it.  I've never felt as connected to any other class in the game as I do to Priests, so I guess that's why I can't seem to turn away from it.

Plus we're shiny...

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