Monday, April 16, 2012

Mists of Pandaria Beta Screenshots

Well, long time no post, but I finally have something that has me as excited about the game as the Cataclysm beta... and that's the Mists of Pandaria beta! And even more exciting, this time I'm in the beta myself!

So after spending way too much time oo-ing and ah-ing over the scenery I decided I needed to be taking screenshots of all these beautiful areas. I love using these as desktop wallpapers but thought I should share these with the web and whoever wanted to see them. I apologize that some screens might seem dark, most of them are taken late at night which is when i end up playing most of the time.

Click on previews to see full size picture

A lot more screenshots will be on the way as I find more pretty and interesting areas in the world, so keep an eye out!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cataclysm Delayed?

New info this morning from Boubouille (who is usually right about these things) that an inside source told him Cataclysm may now be delayed until early December, most likely December 7th or December 14th.

I understand this expansion includes a lot of new things, and I would rather wait a little longer if it ensures a polished complete game, but I can't help but be disappointed at this news. Funny how a year ago we all thought we'd be playing Cataclysm in August. If we only knew... lol

Source: MMO-Champion

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Female Worgen

Female Worgen creation screen is finally in the beta, but theres currently a glitch where as soon as you create the character, it defaults back to a male Worgen in the game. Still, it's the first look at how female Worgen will look in game.


Character creation video:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Patch 4.0.1 live on Public Testing Realms

Patch 4.0.1 can now be downloaded (16 gigs yikes) and played on the PTR. This means there will not be a patch 3.9 as previously thought, and that Cata may be coming sooner then we think.

An interesting quote from the official forums:

"Given the fact 2.0 and 3.0 hit a month before launch, and each took about a month of testing, this looks like it very well is THE OFFICIAL Cataclysm patch, and lends a great deal of credit to the mythical "November 18th" launch floating around."

A friend of mine has a theory that they're holding out on announcing the release date and that they will announce the date at Blizzcon as the big "Wow news", maybe make it playable in full to people in attendance. Sounds possible to me. Just some food for thought :)


Thread on the official forums


MMO Champion post

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall now live on US Servers

These two pre-Cataclysm events are now playable on US servers and should be playable tomorrow on European servers. Read more details and see some screenshots of the events here on MMO Champion.

More New Cataclysm Pets

I'm a collector of vanity pets so these 2 new pictures have me excited:

Rustberg Seagull


